Sin vergüenza alguna, Valentina Fradegrada pasea en auto en lencería

La modelo, Valentina Fradegrada, mediante su cuenta de Instagram difundió una candente foto arriba de un auto

Sin vergüenza alguna, Valentina Fradegrada pasea en auto en lencería
Escrito en ESPECTÁCULOS el

La Habana, Cuba.- La modelo, Valentina Fradegrada, por medio de su cuenta de Instagram compartió una candente foto, en la que se le aprecia arriba de un auto luciendo su escultural figura.


Finally I can say I spent one year full of happiness and satisfying work!! 2018 was so sad and full of bad habits and bad people. I was really crazy and not the real Valentina during my 2018...the saddest year of my life. I spent 2019 setting goals for 2020. Finally after two years of work with my manager we fell in love. It was so hard for me stay next to him sometimes... we saw each other with other people, we saw each other cry for other people, we slept in the room next to each other... but at the end of the day we were together all the time. We licked each other wounds for two years. He was the only to stay next to me when I was crazy AF. He is the only man I met in my life after my 2 fathers and Grandpas. He is the most talented nerdy with the biggest heart I ever met. He is a hard worker... i work 20 hours a day so if he wants to stay next to me that’s the only way Ahahaha I keep tensions high all the time and he knows me enough to play with me. We are building our future together, alone against everyone...and we love it so much!! I said 2019 was a starting point for my 2020 also because I’m starting a new career so wish me good luck ���� I hope everyone has the best New years eve ever ?? I wish to everyone the best year ever full of satisfaction and love!! I love u, every single special human ??���� Thanks for this year and I hope you will stay next to me next year ������ {{ Jacket by @boohoomanofficial // Car from // pic by @blindblindblind }}

Una publicación compartida de V A L E N T I N A (@valentinafradegrada) el

En la instantánea, la modelo presume su imponente cuerpo arriba de un auto con escasa ropa, prácticamente en lencería.

Finalmente puedo decir que pasé un año lleno de felicidad y trabajo satisfactorio”, escribió.

Con apenas tres días, el post suma la cantidad de 136 mil 86 ‘me gusta’, además de 638 comentarios, en los cuales destacan diversos cumplidos.